Interview preparation is key to getting the job you want. This video gives some great guidelines and emphasises the need for preparation – not just on your own story and narrative but also preparing for the questions that you are likely to get.

I put my clients through an exercise with my 50 Top Interview Questions – it is tough work, but it is interview preparation that works precisely because it is tough and because it is focused.

My clients moan and groan when they have to do their Q & A homework and the other huge workstream that comes out of my training – but their first or second call after the interview is generally to me. The buzz of receiving those excited calls, which, to be fair, are usually just “I got it, I got it, I am so excited!” is great for me – and brilliant for them making the call. If you don’t have to prepare to get through the interview – the job probably isn’t worth it.

It is simply inexcusable to go to an interview without having prepared for the obvious questions. You are underselling yourself and you are wasting the time of the interviewer.


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