Maybe you are straight out of education, or you have decided to change your career path to a new industry; either way, you lack work or industry experience.
Your lack of experience will probably come up in a job interview, but instead of being defensive or negative about it or making excuses, use this as an opportunity to make an exciting start.
An absence of experience may feel like a catch-22; you have no experience because you can’t get a job – you can’t get a job because you have no experience.

Ideas how to compensate for a lack of experience:
Show that you are enthusiastic and excited to meet new people in the trade by networking. Get to know people in the industry and gain a greater understanding of the processes and practises of the place. Do this through networking events and a strong social media presence.
Find out more about networking for people who hate networking.
Show off your skills:
Skills go beyond formal education, qualifications, and the fact that you have no experience. Having the right skills can set you apart from the rest. In a job interview, focus on your knowledge of social media, your ability to sell, your confidence when giving a presentation, or whatever skill you have that will make you the best person for the job.
There are some fantastic courses available online. The best online course program we have found is, which was started by Harvard and MIT. These courses are good quality, relatively affordable and show that you are taking responsibility for your career and investing in your own personal development and will build your skill set and knowledge.
Gain an understanding of the industry by doing extensive research on the company you are interviewing with and the industry as a whole. Research new trends or challenges, the leaders in the market, the new strategies, what is working and what is not. Show that you are enthusiastic and passionate about your newly chosen career despite no experience in the profession.
Personal branding
Developing a strong and unique personal brand is not easy, but it may separate you from the rest. A strong personal brand is a trait that can be transferred between jobs and careers. The best place to start this is on LinkedIn.
Find out more about personal branding:
Personal branding: Good for you, good for your job
Additionally, you can find out more about what to do with no experience in interviews here!